Youth Café
Our Clubs are a safe place for young people to hang out, meet new friends and have a voice. Our Clubs are different to other youth clubs because is run by the young people themselves. Running the clubs helps them to believe in themselves, make decisions and practice leadership.
The members of the Club elect a committee which includes a Chairperson, Secretary, Public Relations Officer and Treasurer. This gives them a chance to experience democracy first hand. The committee then works with the members and is supported by the adult club leaders to control and manage the club. This ensures that members are participating in activities they really want to do and will therefore get the most out of. Club members are 12 to 21 year olds from the local area. Certain clubs are targeted at younger members aged 12 to 14, 15-17 or older members aged 18 to 21.
Leaders are members of the local community who want to get involved. These adult leaders work with the members to make the club work. There must be at least one adult leader present for a club meeting to take place and an adequate number of leaders to facilitate club numbers on meet up nights. Leaders appoint an overall Club Leader. Leaders also appoint a designated Leader who is then eligible to stand for election to the National Council and vote at such elections.
Club Meeting
The evening club normally begins with a formal meeting, led by the club committee to make decisions about the club. Then members of the club decide if they want to just hang out with their friends, work on a project based on Hand Van Hulp’s education programmes or enjoying activities or games. Hand van Hulp Clubs generally meet once a week for 1 – 2 hours.
How to join any Clubs
The easiest way to join our club is to approach a Club Leader in your locality and ask them if you can join the club. If you don’t know if there are any Clubs in your area, please contact us. The youth minister provides training to volunteers and committee members and also provides ongoing support to the club.